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Imperialism and Zionism won, not the Syrian people
Imperialism and Zionism won, not the Syrian people

It is not possible to see the Syrian war, which has been going on since 2011, as a civil war and an internal problem of Syria. The war that has been going on for more than 10 years is a proxy war of imperialism. The imperialist countries such as the USA, Britain and France have been pulling the strings of this war and jihadist gangs recruited from other countries have been used as pawns.

It is clear as day how the jihadist gangs gathered from different parts of the world and brought into Syria are equipped, paid, armed, protected, managed and used. In the light of the developments in Syria, it has been proven once again that the strings of political Islamism are directly in the hands of imperialism. Jihadists and Zionism met in Syria and Zionism won.


Imperialism, which has been trying for more than 10 years to carry out all kinds of provocations to destroy Syria, has finally succeeded. The process imposed under the name of the Great Middle East Project "collapsed" Syria after Iraq. While the elements of resistance against imperialism and Zionism are being eliminated one by one, it is none other than imperialism and Zionism who have achieved their real goals.


Contrary to expectations, there seems to be an acceptance on the part of Russia and Iran to hand Syria over to the jihadist gangs. Whether out of necessity or a conscious choice, the foreign policy pursued by Russia and Iran should be noted as an example of the pragmatist foreign policy of these two countries.



The role played by the AKP as one of the partners in the collapse of Syria from within has not been a positive achievement for Turkey, but has only exacerbated the problems our country will face. While serving the interests of Israel and the US, the AKP government has also made the "Sharia emirate" established next to us a neighboring country. From now on, we face a chaotic process in Syria under the control of imperialism and jihadists.


Those who rejoice at the overthrow of the "Baathist regime" in Syria lie that the sharia regime to be established by the jihadist gangs led by HTS and a Syria dependent on imperialism will be freer! It is a great deception to propagate that freedom will come from dependence on imperialism and religious darkness.


The policy of imperialist occupation in the Middle East, similar to the policy of imperialist occupation immediately after the First World War, is being carried out not with the boots of British-French soldiers, but with the takbir calls of jihadist gangs!


The progressives and workers of Syria have continued their honorable struggle against the imperialists and jihadist barbarism for 10 years despite all the difficulties. The progressive patriots of Syria who do not submit to imperialism have no choice but to take the fate of their country in their hands! Those who struggled against the French mandate yesterday have no choice today but to liberate their country from the darkness of the jihadist gangs, the pawns of imperialism.



The developments in Syria serve as an example of the potential dangers our country will face. The attack carried out by the AKP against the achievements of the progressive achievements of the Republic constitutes the ground for a similar process in Syria.


Our country's struggle for secularism, independence and socialism against imperialism, reactionism and exploitation has gained more importance.
