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Israel continues its atrocities that will drag the entire region into war
Israel continues its atrocities that will drag the entire region into war

The Zionists that have carried out the most brutal genocide in history in Gaza against the Palestinian people, who are struggling against occupation, the usurpation of their lands, humiliation and finally annihilation in their own country, without no discrimination for children, women and civilians, are now terrorizing Lebanon.

The death of Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah in the latest attacks of Israel, continuing to attack without any discrimination and targeting with the means provided by USA and NATO, will not be able to surrender the will of the peoples of the Middle East who resist imperialism and its collaborators.

Our people must always remember the Zionist Islamists and jihadist terrorists who rejoice at Nasrallah's death. It should not be forgotten that those act with a sectarianism fed by America, only rants against Israel while going behind the back and continuing their trade and alliances with them.

Zionism will not win, the toilers of the Middle East will sooner or later defeat the collaborators and puppets of imperialism
